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Foto Saya
I believe with my spirit will be alive in this world. from love, in love, with love, to love
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Tips Melindungi Registry

Registry seperti yang telah kita ketahui bersama merupakan database besar yang mengatur bagaimana Windows berjalan. Dengan mengedit registry, dan melakukan sedikit tweak, Anda dapat meningkatkan performa windows. Pengeditan registry dapat Anda lakukan melalui Registry Editor atau lebih dikenal dengan nama Regedit yang dapat Anda temukan pada direktori windows. Tetapi registry ini juga dapat disalahgunakan untuk mengganggu kinerja PC Anda sehingga menyebabkan PC terganggu bahkan tidak mampu bekerja lagi. Untuk melindungi registry anda, silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

Tips Mengganti Lokasi Instalasi Windows

Jika Anda memasang Windows melalui suatu lokasi tertentu, misalnya melalui CD, dan ternyata CD tersebut rusak sehingga Anda tak dapat menggunakannya untuk keperluan Windows, misalnya memasang program, me-restore file melalui System File Checker, dan lain-lain, tetapi Anda mempunyai cadangannya di sebuah folder pada harddisk Anda, maka Anda tak perlu panik. Anda dapat mengganti lokasi instalasi Windows ini sehingga Windows dapat mengambil file-file yang diperlukannya. Dan juga Anda kembali dapat memasang program melalui Add/remove Programs>Windows setup, serta me-restore file yang hilang atau diubah melalui System File Checker. Untuk menggantinya Anda perlu melakukan sedikit manipulasi registry. Perlu diingat mengedit registry akan berbahaya, jika Anda tidak tahu apa yang Anda lakukan. Oleh karena itu lakukan backup sebelum Anda mengeditnya.
Senin, 28 Maret 2011

Tips Memperbaiki Regedit di Windows

Pengguna windows sering kali menemui masalah di sistem registry. Hal ini merupakan hal yang tidak biasa jika windows tetap dapat berjalan dengan normal. Masalahnya, registry merupakan bagian terpenting windows. Kerusakan pada windows yang muncul tiba-tiba akibat kesalahan dalam mengedit dapat mengakibatkan windows tidak dapat beroperasi dengan baik ataupun tidak dapat digunakan terpaksa anda harus menginstal ulang windows.
Suatu saat anda mendapatkan sebuah pesan kerusakan registry, jangan terburu-buru menyiapkan CD windows untuk menginstal ulang windows. Sebaiknya anda juga tidak merestart windows anda, karena biasanya windows akan melakukan overwrite atau penumpukan terhadap salinan backup registry yang masih valid pada saat starup.
Yang harus anda lakukan adalah melakukan proses booting melalui starup disk, yang sudah dibuat ketika pertama kali menginstal windows. Jika anda belum membuat starup disk, sebaiknya anda membuatnya sebelum windows bermasalah.
Caranya : Klik Start >>> Settings >>> Control Panel >>> Add or Remove Programs >>> StarUp Disk >>> Create Disk.Dibutuhkan sebuah disket untuk membuat starup disk ini.
Bila kebetulan anda belum sempat membuat starup disk tapi registry sudah error duluan, anda dapat mencoba menekan tombol F8 pada keyboard saat boot sebelum muncul layar pembuka windows.
Pada menu yang muncul, pilih Safe Mode command prompt only, maka sistem akan masuk ke command prompt C:\. Bagi anda yang melakukan booting melalui starup disk, komputer akan masuk ke drive A command prompt. Masuklah ke drive c dengan mengetik C:


Forever The Sickeds Kids - What Happened to Emotion (Killing Me)

This lyric performed by Forever The Sickest Kids On album 2011

Forever The Sickeds Kids album (2011)
"What Happened to Emotion (Killing Me)"
Forever the sickest kids

Yeah, we're young but for how much longer?
We've been caving in under all the pressure,
All for a dime.
You're cynical and kinda crazy,
And honestly we've been contemplating why we even try.

You're killing me, killing me, killing me slow.
And I don't even, don't even, don't even know.
What it is that you're doing.
If you really knew me you would let me go

And you're cutting me, cutting me, cutting me down
And you're wearing me, wearing me, wearing me out
And the songs that we're singing
Our void of all feeling
What happened to emotion?

I'd make amend if it made things better
We give, you take with such little effort
All for a dime.
Sure I'm passive but you're aggressive
And I honestly can't be tolerating it anymore

You're killing me, killing me, killing me slow.
And I don't even, don't even, don't even know.
What it is that you're doing.
If you really knew me you would let me go

And you're cutting me, cutting me, cutting me down
And you're wearing me, wearing me, wearing me out
And the songs that we're singing
Our void of all feeling
What happened to emotion?

Hands up 'cause I'm jumping off this train
I'm giving up and I hope It's not too late
I'm taking back, taking back what I said
'cause I'm done, I'm done pretending
'cause I don't wanna stop, I don't wanna change
I don't wanna stop, I don't wanna change
I'm never gonna stop, never gonna change
We're never gonna stop, never gonna change

Killing me, killing me, killing me slow.
And I don't even, don't even, don't even know.
What it is that you're doing.
If you really knew me you would let me go

You're killing me, killing me, killing me slow.
And I don't even, don't even, don't even know.
What it is that you're doing.
If you really knew me you would let me go

And you're cutting me, cutting me, cutting me down
And you're wearing me, wearing me, wearing me out
And the songs that we're singing
Our void of all feeling
What happened to emotion?

To download mp3 Click here
Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Killing Me Inside Cover

Killing Me Inside - Tanpa Dirimu

This lyric performed by Killing Me Inside

"Tanpa Dirimu"
Killing Me Inside

aku memang tak yang terbaik untukmu
dan aku memang tak yang terindah bagimu

mungkin semuanya tak seperti dulu
saat kita bisa berbagi bersama
aku takkan rela bila kau tak ada disisiku

ku berlari dan terjatuh ( disini )
ku mencari dan tak ada ( dirimu )
aku sendiri dan aku berdiri hanya untuk bersamamu
aku disini selalu menanti saat nanti kau akan kembali

mungkin seandainya kau ada disini
saat aku lelah dan tak tau arah
aku takkan rela bila kau tak ada disisiku

ku berlari dan terjatuh ( disini )
ku mencari dan tak ada ( dirimu )
aku sendiri dan aku berdiri hanya untuk bersamamu
aku disini selalu menanti saat nanti kau akan kembali

aku memang bukan yang terbaik ( aaaaaa aaa ) untukmu
(ku berlari dan terjatuh) disini
(ku mencari dan tak ada) dirimu
aku sendiri dan aku berdiri hanya untuk bersamamu
aku disini selalu menanti saat nanti kau akan kembali 

To download mp3 Click here

Killing Me Inside - Biarlah

This lyric performed by Killing Me Inside

Killing Me Inside

semua yang berlalu
telah menjadi kenangan
dan seakan kulupakan
karena ku tak sejalan

wowowo . . . .

dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
meski telah ku coba
semuanya tak berguna
terbuang sia-sia

dirimu dihatiku sudah terlalu lama
biarlah ku mencoba untuk tinggalkan semua

wowowo . . . .

dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
meski telah ku coba
semuanya tak berguna
terbuang sia-sia
dirimu dihatiku sudah terlalu lama
biarlah ku mencoba untuk tinggalkan semua

dirimu dihatiku sudah terlalu lama
biarlah ku mencoba untuk tinggalkan semua

dirimu dihatiku sudah terlalu lama
biarlah ku mencoba untuk tinggalkan semua

To download mp3 Click here

Killing Me Inside - Kamu

This lyric performed by Killing Me Inside

Killing Me Inside

ku berjalan hingga bosan
yang aku rasakan
hari ini ku temukan
artinya hadirmu

kamu kamu…
sejukan hatiku

kamu kamu…
bintang dihatiku

dan kamu disini
saatnya tlah pergi
tak sanggup ku sendiri
tanpamu disisiku

kuakaui ku terlahir
untuk bersamamu
takan bisa ku berdiri
tanpamu disini

kamu kamu…
sejukan hatiku

kamu kamu…
bintang dihatiku

dan kamu disini
saatnya tlah pergi
tak sanggup ku sendiri
tanpamu disisiku oh…

kamu kamu…
sejukan hatiku

kamu kamu…
bintang dihatiku

kamu kamu…
sejukan hatiku

kamu kamu…
bintang dihatiku

kamu kamu…
sejukan hatiku

kamu kamu…
bintang dihatiku

To download mp3 Click here
Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Muatan dan Arus Listrik

Muatan Listrik
Muatan listrik (Q) adalah muatan dasar yang dimiliki suatu benda. Satuan Q adalah coulomb, yang merupakan 6.24 x 1018 muatan dasar. Q adalah sifat dasar yang dimiliki oleh materi  baik itu berupa proton (muatan positif) maupun elektron (muatan negatif). Muatan listrik total suatu atom atau materi ini bisa positif, jika atomnya kekurangan elektron. Sementara atom yang kelebihan elektron akan bermuatan negatif. Besarnya muatan tergantung dari kelebihan atau kekurangan elektron ini, oleh karena itu muatan materi atau atom merupakan kelipatan dari satuan Q dasar. Dalam atom yang netral, jumlah proton akan sama dengan jumlah elektron yang mengelilinginya (membentuk muatan total yang netral atau tak bermuatan).

Arus Listrik
Arus listrik adalah banyaknya muatan listrik yang mengalir melalui suatu titik dalam sirkuit listrik tiap satuan waktu. Arus listrik dapat diukur dalam satuan Coulomb/second atau Ampere. Contoh arus listrik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari berkisar dari yang sangat lemah dalam satuan mikroAmpere (μA) seperti di dalam jaringan tubuh hingga arus yang sangat kuat 1-200 kiloAmpere (kA) seperti yang terjadi pada petir. Dalam kebanyakan sirkuit arus searah dapat diasumsikan resistansi terhadap arus listrik adalah konstan sehingga besar arus yang mengalir dalam sirkuit bergantung pada voltase dan resistansi sesuai dengan hukum ohm.

Arus listrik merupakan satu dari tujuh satuan pokok dalam satuan internasional. Satuan internasional untuk arus listrik adalah Ampere (A). Secara formal satuan Ampere didefinisikan sebagai arus konstan yang, bila dipertahankan, akan menghasilkan gaya sebesar 2 x 10-7 Newton/meter di antara dua penghantar lurus sejajar, dengan luas penampang yang dapat diabaikan, berjarak 1 meter satu sama lain dalam ruang hampa udara.
Arus yang mengalir masuk suatu percabangan sama dengan arus yang mengalir keluar dari percabangan tersebut. i1 + i4 = i2 + i3
Gambar 1.1
Untuk arus yang konstan, besar arus I dalam Ampere dapat diperoleh dengan persamaan:
di mana
adalah arus listrik (Ampere),

              Q adalah muatan listrik (Coulomb),

               t adalah waktu (second).
Sedangkan secara umum, arus listrik yang mengalir pada suatu waktu tertentu adalah: 
Dengan demikian dapat ditentukan jumlah total muatan yang dipindahkan pada rentang waktu 0 hingga t melalui integrasi: 

Sesuai dengan persamaan di atas, arus listrik adalah besaran skalar karena baik muatan (Q) maupun waktu (t) merupakan besaran skalar. Dalam banyak hal sering digambarkan arus listrik dalam suatu sirkuit menggunakan panah, salah satunya seperti pada diagram di atas. Panah tersebut bukanlah vektor dan tidak membutuhkan operasi vektor. Pada gambar 1.1 ditunjukkan arus mengalir masuk melalui dua percabangan dan mengalir keluar melalui dua percabangan lain. Karena muatan listrik adalah kekal maka total arus listrik yang mengalir keluar haruslah sama dengan arus listrik yang mengalir ke dalam sehingga i1 + i4 = i2 + i3. Panah arus hanya menunjukkan arah aliran sepanjang penghantar, bukan arah dalam ruang.
Arah arus
Gambar 1.2
Definisi arus listrik yang mengalir dari kutub positif (+) ke kutub negatif (-) baterai (kebalikan arah untuk gerakan elektronnya)
Pada diagram digambarkan panah arus searah dengan arah pergerakan partikel bermuatan positif (muatan positif) atau disebut dengan istilah arus konvensional. Pembawa muatan positif tersebut akan bergerak dari kutub positif baterai menuju ke kutub negatif. Pada kenyataannya, pembawa muatan dalam sebuah penghantar listrik adalah partikel-partikel elektron bermuatan negatif yang didorong oleh medan listrik mengalir berlawan arah dengan arus konvensional. Namun, dengan alasan sejarah, digunakan konvensi berikut ini

Panah arus digambarkan searah dengan arah pergerakan seharusnya dari pembawa muatan positif, walaupun pada kenyataannya pembawa muatan adalah muatan negatif dan bergerak pada arah berlawanan.
Konvensi demikian dapat digunakan pada sebagian besar keadaan karena dapat diasumsikan bahwa pergerakan pembawa muatan positif memiliki efek yang sama dengan pergerakan pembawa muatan negatif. 
Rapat Arus
Rapat arus (current density) adalah aliran muatan pada suatu luas penampang tertentu di suatu titik penghantar. Dalam SI, rapat arus memiliki satuan Ampere per meter persegi (A/m2). 
di mana I adalah arus pada penghantar, vektor J adalah rapat arus yang memiliki arah sama dengan kecepatan gerak muatan jika muatannya positif dan berlawan arah jika muatannya negatif, dan dA adalah vektor luas elemen yang tegak lurus terhadap elemen. Jika arus listrik seragam sepanjang permukaan dan sejajar dengan dA maka J juga seragam dan sejajar terhadap dA sehingga persamaan menjadi: 

di mana A adalah luas penampang total dan J adalah rapat arus dalam satuan A/m2

Kelajuan hanyutan (Drive Speed)
Saat sebuah penghantar tidak dilalui arus listrik, elektron-elektron di dalamnya bergerak secara acak tanpa perpindahan bersih ke arah mana pun juga. Sedangkan saat arus listrik mengalir melalui penghantar, elektron tetap bergerak secara acak namun mereka cenderung hanyut sepanjang penghantar dengan arah berlawanan dengan medan listrik yang menghasilkan aliran arus. Tingkat kelajuan hanyutan (drift speed) dalam penghantar adalah kecil dibandingkan dengan kelajuan gerak-acak, yaitu antara 10-5 dan 10-4 m/s dibandingkan dengan sekitar 106 m/s pada sebuah penghantar tembaga.
Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

The Material - What Happen Next

This lyric performed by The Material on album What We Are (2011)

What We Are album (2011)
"What Happens Next"
The Material
This is our time now
take a look around
everything is about to change.
We've said our goodbyes
It's time to realize
that nothing gold ever stay.

We set our sails for so much more
Won't let our dreams get washed ashore
This is what we've waited for.

So tell me what happens next
I've been dying to see
Will we finally move?
Oh we're so bittersweet.
And all the days that we shared
i will never forget.
But it's times to find out now
What happens next,

Waves of memories crashing at my feet,
i wouldn't trade them for anything
But the road a head is a page unread
and theres no places i'd rather be.

So tell me what happens next
I've been dying to see.
Will we finally move?
Oh we're so bittersweet.
And all the days that we shared
i will never forget
But it's times to find out now
What happens next.

This our time now
take a look around
everything is about to change.
We said our goodbyes
It's time to realize
things will never be the same.

So tell me what happens next
I've been dying to see
Will we finally move?
Oh we're so bittersweet.
And all the days that we shared
i will never forget
But it's times to find out now
What happens next.

To download mp3 Click here
Kamis, 24 Februari 2011


Boy Like Girls - Two Is Better One

This lyric performed by Boys Like Girls and appears on album Love Drunk (2009)

Love Drunk album (2009)
"Two Is Better One"
Boys Like Girls (Feat Taylor Swift)

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought
"Hey, you know, this could be something"

'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And now I'm left with nothing

So maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one

I remember every look upon your face
The way you roll your eyes
The way you taste
You make it hard for breathing

'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away
I think of you and everything's okay
I'm finally now believing

That maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone
And I'm thinking two is better than one
Yeah, yeah

I remember what you wore on the first day
You came into my life and I thought, "Hey,"

maybe it's true
That I can't live without you
Maybe two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
And you've already got me coming undone

And I'm thinking
I can't live without you
'Cause, baby, two is better than one
There's so much time
To figure out the rest of my life
But I'll figure it out
When all is said and done
Two is better than one
Two is better than one  

To download mp3 Click here

Secondhand Serenade - Fall For You

This lyric performed by Secondhand Serenade and appears on album A Twist In My Story (2008)

A Twist In My Story album (2008)
"Fall For You"
Secondhand Serenade

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you i'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may of failed
But I have loved you from the start

But hold your breathe
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in
I'm yours to keep
And hold onto your words
Cuz talk is cheap
And remember me tonight
When your asleep

Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you
Over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I wont live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
Your impossible to find

To download Click here
Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Major League - Take Me

This lyric performed by Major League and appears on the album The Truth Is... (2010)

"Take Me"
Major League

These stars have aligned for one more moment on this 4th of July
Lime lights guide us to where we are destined tonight
As we walk this path something just feels all right
Not knowing where we're going just following skylines

Under these fireworks and city lights
All before you realized that you caught my eye
I'd imagine that you were mine tonight
Thinking back sparks a bigger flame every time

Coming across the field I catch a glimpse of you
Finally working up my courage if you only knew
I can't believe you said yes all my dreams are coming true
It almost seems like forever since I've been with you

Under these fireworks and city lights
All before you realized that you caught my eye
I'd imagine that you were mine tonight
Thinking back sparks a bigger flame every time

Take Me, Take, Take Me
Lend me your heart
Take Me, Take, Take Me
I won't let you down
You can trust me oh just believe
You're all I've ever wanted since the beginning

Under these fireworks and city lights
All before you realized that you caught my eye
I'd imagine that you were mine tonight
Thinking back sparks a bigger flame every time

To download mp3 Click Here

Lights - February Air (Acoustic Version)

This lyric performed by Lights and appears on the album Acoustic - EP (2010)
"February Air" (Acoustic Version)
Acoustic album (2010)

If you don't believe me
If you don't like my plans
You mustn't tell me
How I know your face like the back of my hand

We walk the city
I talk so you understand
So won't you tell me
How I know this place like the back of my hand

My arms get cold
In February air
Please don't lose hold of me out there

And I know you're near me
I know you understand
Say that you're with me
Do you know my face like the back of your hand

My arms get cold
In February air
Please don't lose hold of me out there

My arms get cold
In February air
Please don't lose hold of me out there

yeah yeah yeah yeah

Out there

yeah yeah yeah yeah
hey yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah
hey yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah

My arms get cold
In February air
Please don't lose hold of me out there

My arms get cold
In February air
Please don't lose hold of me out there

February air, air
And i know this place like the back of my hand

To download mp3 Click here

My Chemical Romance - Scarecrow

This lyric performed by My Chemical Romance and appears on the album Danger Days: The True Lives Of the Fabulous Killjoys (2010)

Danger Days Album (2010)
My Chemical Romance

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
everybody hide

Make a wish when your childhood dies
Hear the knock, knock, knock when she cries
we're All alone tonight

Hold your breath when a black bird flies
Count to seventeen and close your eyes
I'll keep you safe inside

He burns my skin
Never mind 'bout the shape I'm in
I'll keep you safe tonight yeah

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Blow a kiss at the methane skies
See the rust through your playground eyes
We're all in love tonight. (In love tonight)

Leave a dream where the fallout lies
Watch it grow where the tear stain dries
to keep you safe tonight

he burns my skin
Never mind 'bout the shape I'm in
I'll keep you safe tonight yeah

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

Love, love, love won't stop this
bomb bomb love won't stop
bomb bomb, love won't stop this bomb

Run, run, bunny run
run, run, bunny run

Move your body when the sunlight dies
Everybody hide your body from the scarecrow
Everybody hide

To download mp3 Click here

A Skylit Drive - Too Little Too Late

This lyric performed by A Skylite Drive and appears on the album Identity On Fire (2011)

"Too Little Too Late"
Identity On Fire album (2011)
A Skylite Drive

You crowd around me on the floor
Staring and observing, seeing what I'm fighting for
It's not in you, not like this

I'm only seconds away from giving in
And I'm running out of time
Now I'm running away to free my mind
My mind

It's so like you, indiscretion is all you can be
Screaming to see what is in between
I've been to Hell and back, the quiet never lasts
It's not like you to take a risk

I'm only seconds away from giving in
And I'm running out of time
Now I'm running away to free my mind
My mind
With only seconds to go
Cause we'll end this world
With only seconds to go, come drop the kill!

Reject the world that is broken
Don't give in!
The time slips through our fingers
It slips away
Reject the words that are spoken
Don't give in!
The final hour will linger
Too little, too late
Reject the world that is broken
Don't give in!
The time slips though our fingers!
It slips away
Reject the words that are spoken
Don't give in!
The final hour will linger
Too little, too fucking late!

You're too late
You're too late
The time we spent is free
Gone away
Gone away!

I'm only seconds away from giving in
And I'm running out of time
Now I'm running away to free my mind
My mind
With only seconds to go
Cause we'll end this world
With only seconds to go, give up the kill!

Reject the worlds that are broken
Don't give in!
The time slips through our fingers
It slips away
Reject the words that are spoken
Don't give in!
The final hour will linger,
It slips away

To download mp3 Click Here

Killing Me Inside - Suicide Phenomena

This lyric performed by Killing Me Inside

"Suicide Phenomena"
Killing Me Inside

Take my heart and carry me now
And don't let me out to get a terrible day
I can't feel my heart and the blood that you're sharing me is killing me
And i just want to wake up and say

What is like to be loved to be vexed to be killed to be dying?
That the feelings here,inside my heart

I want u back to me i need u now
I want u back to me i need u now

I cut my vain,i'm waiting in pain
And with the blood shattered all over the blade
I got to say,the way that you're counting me its scaring me
But baby i just came here to say
What is like to be loved to be vexed to be killed to be dying?
That the feelings here,inside my heart

Out between you bit me
No more danger makes me feel
Just like dying now
Cut out my finger and pull the trigger
Right on my disaster

To download mp3 Click Here